Friday, March 27, 2009

Baby Fat

This past weekend Joe was in the bathroom getting ready for the day when I walked in and announced..."The Cooley's need a lifestyle change." He looked at me like I had eight heads and then chuckled and asked me to elaborate. Ok, so its been almost 6 months since I had Sam and I think the time of blaming my weight on the pregnancy has come to an end.

In my mind I don't think or feel that I am as big as I am. I still think of myself as the size I was before I was pregnant. However, that is soooo not the case; SO I have decided to do something about it. I don't have an unrealistic goal of becoming a size 4 or anything; I just want be fit and trim again.

First and foremost I have to get moving, so I am going to do some sort or cardio 4 times a week for at least 30 mins. I have to work until 4:30 everyday, but if anyone would like to walk/jog on a nice evening just give me a shout. I have a jogging stroller now, so Sam can go with us. Secondly, I am going to drink water, water, and more water....with a non-fat latte sprinkled in there (I seriously have a problem with lattes-they are just so good). Beyond that I don't know. I don't want to overwhelm myself with a crazy workout schedule...I just want to start out with a good foundation and work from there.

Anyway, I hope by posting this on my blog it will help me stick with it. Wish me luck & say bye bye baby fat (I hope). : )

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A note from a friend

I got a cute "I'm thinking about you" note in the mail from a friend the other day. It absolutely made my day! The note said that I had been on her mind lately and she wanted to say hello, and then she wished me a good week. It made me think about what kind of friend I am to other people. I like to think of myself as a good friend, but I think I fall short of doing random nice things for my friends, or making enough time for them. Having a baby it is easy to say, "I don't have the time to do something" but the truth is I do have the time, I just have to modify it a little. I am going to make a conscious effort to be a better friend to my friends and family. My friends and family mean the world to me, and I pray they all know how special they are to me. Thanks Stephanie for helping me remember to LIVE the Golden Rule not just recite it....I loved your note! :)

"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you" (Matthew 7:12)

Friday, March 13, 2009


I LOVE birthdays! I like to make a huge deal out of birthdays. I don't necessarily do big party or anything like that. I do more of a bunch of little things like: cards, small notes in random places, e-cards, random small presents, and then dinner where the birthday person wants to go.

We have a tradition in our family that on the morning of your birthday you are awakened with: your homemade cake-candles lit, presents, & your family singing happy birthday. It is so much fun! Then of course you get to eat cake for breakfast.

The first time I did this for my husband I scared him to death. I think he thought our bedroom was on fire, b/c the room was dark except for the candles on the cake burning. The funniest part is that he knew that it was coming b/c we talked about it the night before, but he still had this look of panic on his face until he woke up good. I have since started turning the light on as I come in the room singing.

Today is my mom's birthday, so I would like to wish her a very happy birthday. I did not get to participate in her birthday wake up today. I did, however, do the next best thing, which was to call her super early this morning and wish her a good one.

I don't care how old you get it makes you feel so good and loved when someone remembers your birthday.

If today is your birthday; I hope it is a good one!